77 research outputs found

    Modélisation des exigences en UML/SysML

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    National audienceRésumé L'ingénierie des exigences est une activité primordiale dans tout développement de systèmes. En ingénierie système (IS) tout ingénieur est formé à la capture et à l'ingénierie des exigences. L'INCOSE et l'OMG, quand ils ont développé SysML [3] à partir d'UML [1], ont introduit explicitement la notion d'exigence comme élément de modélisation. Un diagramme ainsi qu'une table des exigences leur sont même dédiés. Nous expliquons dans cet article comment les exigences sont modélisées, et surtout comment elles sont liées avec le reste de la modélisation structurelle et comportementale. Nous apportons notre analyse sur les manques constatés par les industriels et dressons quelques pistes d'améliorations futures

    Modeling and verification of Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of ambient Self-Adaptive Systems

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    International audienceSelf-Adaptive Systems modify their behavior at run-time in response to changing environmental conditions. For these systems, Non-Functional Requirements play an important role, and one has to identify as early as possible the requirements that are adaptable. We propose an integrated approach for modeling and verify- ing the requirements of Self-Adaptive Systems using Model Driven Engineering techniques. For this, we use Relax, which is a Requirements Engineering language which introduces flexibility in Non-Functional Require- ments. We then use the concepts of Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering for eliciting and modeling the requirements of Self-Adaptive Systems. For properties verification, we use OMEGA2/IFx profile and toolset. We illustrate our proposed approach by applying it on an academic case study

    Early Analysis of Ambient Systems SysML Properties using OMEGA2-IFx

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    International audienceFormal methods provide tools to verify the consistency and correctness of a specification with respect to the desired properties of the system. This verification is important as the development of an AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) system involves different technologies (medical services, surveillance cameras, intelligent devices, etc.) requiring a strong consistency checking between models. We illustrate in this paper how we prove some of the properties of the system before the development even starts. To model the AAL system, we use the SysML language. In terms of tools, we used Rational Rhapsody in combination with the OMEGA2 profile which is an executable Uml/SysML profile used for the formal specification and validation of critical real-time systems. This profile is supported by the IFx toolset which provides mechanisms for the model simulation and properties verification of the AAL system

    Des buts à la modélisation système : une approche de modélisation des exigences centrée utilisateur

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    International audienceUn des problèmes en ingénierie des exigences consiste à capter les besoins des utilisateurs le mieux possible. Or force est de constater que les supports d’ingénierie tels que les modèles orientés but ou les diagrammes d’exigences orientés système tels que ceux de SYSML sont parfois trop complexes pour les utilisateurs finaux. Dans cet article, nous proposons un processus systématique permettant aux utilisateurs d’exprimer les exigences à l’aide de modèles cognitifs plus simples tels que les Mind Maps. Ces derniers sont alors transformés en modèles KAOS puis en modèles SYSML en appliquant des techniques de transformations de modèles. Nous avons appliqué cette approche à un cas d’application industriel

    Modélisation des exigences en UML/SysML

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    L'ingénierie des exigences est une activité primordiale dans tout développement de systèmes. En ingénierie système (IS) tout ingénieur est formé à la capture et à l'ingénierie des exigences. L'INCOSE et l'OMG, quand ils ont développé SysML [3] à partir d'UML [1], ont introduit explicitement la notion d'exigence comme élément de modélisation. Un diagramme ainsi qu'une table des exigences leur sont même dédiés. Nous expliquons dans cet article comment les exigences sont modélisées, et surtout comment elles sont liées avec le reste de la modélisation structurelle et comportementale. Nous apportons notre analyse sur les manques constatés par les industriels et dressons quelques pistes d'améliorations futures

    Self-adaptive systems requirements modelling: Four related approaches comparison

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    International audience—When developing Self Adaptive Systems (SAS), their highly adaptiveness has to be taken into account as early as the requirements elicitation. Because such systems modify their behaviour at run-time in response to changing environmental conditions, Non Functional Requirements (NFR's) play an impor-tant role. One has to identify as early as possible the requirements that are adaptable. Because of the inherent uncertainty in these systems, goal based approaches can help in the development of their requirements. In order to cope with this purpose, we have defined a combined approach based on several requirements modelling techniques. In this paper we use a common case study and well defined comparison criteria to illustrate the way those techniques can benefit from each other. This submission is a synthesis and hence make some reference of more specific requirements models submissions. I. INTRODUCTION This paper aims at studying the differences and potential combination of 4 different requirements' modelling tech-niques: KAOS [8], a goal-based approach (detailed in sec-tion II-B), SYSML [5], a general purpose system modelling notation (detailed in section II-C), SYSML/KAOS a combi-nation of KAOS and SYSML (detailed in section II-D) and RELAX [6] a dedicated language for adaptive systems. We have taken the opportunity of the CMA@RE workshop in order to compare those techniques that were chosen to provide the best approach to deal with the specificities of Self-Adaptive Systems requirements. In section II we describe the context in which this study has been conducted, as well as the minimum of background needed to understand the models; in section III we provide the different requirements models we have developed for the bCMS case study; in section IV we provide our inputs to the defined comparison criteria; and we analyse the results of the parallel efforts; and finally in section V we conclude this study

    Component Behavior Prediction and Monitoring through Built-In Test

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    Component Based Development : a Composition Oriented Approach

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